Our team 
My name is Kalina Vutova and I am a computer animator. I also like painting.
In the beginning, thanks to the game studio where I work - Ubisoft, I joined a few of the activities organized by Reachout.BG.
Children love to draw and I thought that it would be nice to be able to do it more often in the company of someone who could help them when needed.
I am a volunteer at Reachout because it is an organization that, among other things, helps children feel valuable and useful and encourage them to develop themselves. And also because I believe that all children need to think, fantasize and communicate, creating beautiful things.
My name is Maya Nikolova and I’m working in the fields of controlling, finance and accounting. In the last several years I’ve been spending part of my free time in Reachout helping children to overcome their math difficulties. I believe that in the 21st century time is the most valuable asset so every minute spent with these children, whether teaching them lessons or communicating, is very important. That's why I volunteer in this organization and I hope that together we are able to help chlidren’s development.
Hello, my name is Milena Mladenova, I graduated 91. German Language High School in Sofia and got a degree in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim in Germany. As a Reachout volunteer I teach math to children according to their individual needs. Mathematics knowledge is one of the foundations of any functionally literate person and for me it is both a pleasure and a challenge to present different topics to children in an interesting way showing them how math is relevant to their daily lives. I believe that activities with children deprived of parental care are especially important for them not only because they fill gaps in their knowledge but also because they receive attention and respect needed to build their confidence. I am in a teacher's role for the first time and I am motivated to continue my voluntary activities as organizing children’s classes in Reachout is easy and completely compatible with my private company job.
Hello! I am Nevena Hajdinjak, a volunteer at Reachout for nearly four years. During that period I have worked with several children between the ages of 8 and 15, helping them learn their Bulgarian and English lessons as well as gather social experience in communication, sharing and self-expression.
I graduated in Philosophy and English language from the University of Sofia and have been engaged for years with teaching and translating. I believe in personal commitment and contribution. I believe that human beings learn best and most from other human beings. In Reachout learning is a mutual process between us and the children – happy, often difficult, but always enriching. The enormous challenge for the children accommodated in the so-called institutions is how to be included in society’s fabric. The only answer is - through communication.
Hello! My name is Nikol Karapeeva. I am studying Restoration at the National Academy of Art in Sofia. Before that I took courses in Iranian studies at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. During this period I taught Bulgarian to children seeking asylum in the country as a volunteer. In Reachout I’m giving Persian language classes to two Afghan children who have been living in Bulgaria for several years. I’m a Reachout volunteer because I believe in the present, in the future and in the importance of all children. I believe that communication is vital. Therefore I want to take part in the building of a better, healthier and more engaged society and I think Reachout is contributing to this goal.

My name is Teodor Voinikov and in my spare time I voluntarily help Reachout.BG by what I’m doing the best - writing. I’m preparing texts for the organization’s website on a regular basis and doing translations from Bulgarian to English as well. My professional experience began as a journalist at 3e-news.net and later in Sega Daily where I covered topics from the environment, energy and economy fields. Then I worked for three years as Senior Account Executive at PR agency AMI Communications and in May 2015 I started work at Hewlett-Packard Global Delivery Bulgaria Center.
The reason I chose Reachout.BG is because I strongly believe in the power of education - to create opportunities, to provoke social change, to integrate, but most of all – to empower children from underprivileged groups to create their own destinies. That is why I support the cause of Reachout.BG – by filling gaps in the education system to enable the marginalized part of our children to develop their full potential and lead productive lives, thus contributing to the development of the whole society.