ABC - first steps (АБВ - първи стъпки)
There is one group of children among us that is almost ignored. They often remain invisible and in the last 10 years their number has been constantly increasing. These are the refugee children who left their home, homeland, school and friends and came to Bulgaria in search of salvation and security. We can also add the migrant children whose parents have decided to live here temporarily or permanently. All of them face the challenge of learning Bulgarian in order to be able to cope at school, develop, create friendships and integrate successfully. In recent years, we have met quite a few such children, trying to help them learn Bulgarian faster and feel accepted.
But how do you learn a language without having a textbook and study materials? This question is also faced by many teachers who accept refugee and migrant children in their classes.
This motivated us to create a package of educational materials "ABC - first steps" to help children learn the language. The package includes a teaching aid and a study notebook. They present 10 topics through which words, grammar and interesting facts about Bulgaria are learned.
Learning a language is like a journey, which is easier if there is someone who already knows the way to guide us, show us and explain. That's why we created Elena, Samir and Raisa. Three friends to accompany the children during the activities with the teaching aid and the notebook. And also the small whale, inspired by Peter Beron's Fish Primer, which directs their attention to the features of the language that they need to remember.